1. Indications and causes of ADHD on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level
By the public, ADHD is mainly seen as an illness, or a serious disorder. Many parents, teachers and doctors are facing an apparently insoluble problem, of not to being able to cure this “illness”.
After a closer look at ADHD, you realize that it is not an illness, but a combination of different deficits or imbalances within the system “body – intellect/mind – feelings – spirituality”.
Therefore, there cannot be a patent solution for ADHD. The background, the causes or the blockages, leading to ADHD, need to be found individually. This can be done by careful observation of the child. But much more efficient is, for example, the exact testing of the child and its environment with the help of the kinesiologic muscle test.
To do this, it is necessary to think about the possible indications and causes of ADHD, and which areas they can be allocated to. A list clearly shows that there is a variety of possible causes that might lead to ADHD. With the help of suitable methods they can be filtered out and solved.
1.1 Indications/causes for ADHD on the physical level:
1.2. Indications/causes for ADHD on the mental level:
1.3. Indications/causes for ADHD on the emotional level:
1.4. Indications and causes for ADHD on the spiritual level:
2. Ways to remove or transform ADHD-symptoms on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level:
So far ADHD has been tackled with drugs or alternative therapies, which only achieved limited results. The important aspect of spirituality was completely neglected, as there was not meant to be any connection to ADHD, it was not known how to handle it and its importance was underestimated.
A lot of the so-called children of the New Age have to fight against two major problems as soon as they start their earthly life in a physical body. First of all, because of their high sensitivity, they are grossly overstressed with the dense, unpleasant and stressful energies on the earth. And then they are born with a much higher awareness than most of the adults. This means that they are often misunderstood. Their special needs are not recognized and they are confronted with traditional and/or at least alternative/holistic therapies.
This means that in many cases the adults overstrained with these children, as they have no ways of getting information about the true needs of these “new children”. This concerns parents, as well as teachers and kindergarten teachers. Many adults are not aware that ADHD must not be seen in isolation. A solution can only be in sight, if children and adults deal with the subject together. Also, there have been no instructions and tools so far, to go through this personal and spiritual transformation process, which might also be called ADHD.
Therefore ADHD is one of many ways to grow and develop. However, it takes inner greatness to neither blame the children nor yourself. Children need adults to get to grips with the difficult circumstances here on earth. But, at the same time, adults need these new children with their challenges, to understand the process of change here on earth better, to live it more consciously and to become more sensitive for the own spiritual level of awareness.
In other words: both, the children of the New Age AND the adults (of the New Age) need tools and forms of treatment, which suit and fulfil the new general conditions.
Furthermore, these tools and treatments have to combine all the four aspects (body – mind/intellect – soul/emotions – spirituality), and support the understanding of the development of a higher awareness together with its requirements and effects.
The list below shows the different possibilities to deal with and transform ADHD. It is subcategorized in four areas. The methods on the physical, mental and emotional level might look familiar. But even here the approved methods can be used more efficiently, in combination with the spiritual tools, such as the energized angel symbols and angel essences, for example.
The new fourth level, the spiritual level of awareness, has not been seized and treated with any sort of method so far – not even with traditional or alternative/holistic methods.
Ways of removing ADHD problems on the physical level:
Ways of removing ADHD problems on the mental level:
Ways of removing ADHD problems on the emotional level:
Ways of removing ADHD problems on the spiritual level:
There are different ways of applying these methods and tools of the New Age with ADHD. On the one hand, there has to be the honest desire to get to know oneself better, and to open oneself for new dimensions of education through self-awareness. Therefore, it is recommendable to get to know, try out and experience these spiritual tools oneself.
Another important step would be the learning of the practical application of these new methods and means through training documents, which are regularly put online in the webshop of Lichtpunkt & Ekonja. Special workshops by Beate Fallaschinski and the training series for ‘Spiritual Education Practitioner’ with Beate Fallaschinski and Lutz Mück deepen and complete the trainings in the area of spiritual education. Ingrid Auer and Beate Fallaschinski are also planning to write a book on the topic of ‘Spiritual Education’. Find more information on info@ingridauer.com.